
Everything about Horses: Description, Types and Horse Riding

It’s hard to imagine our lives without horses—the most amazing creatures created by nature. Horses have been man’s best friends and companions for centuries. They participated in wars, transported cargo and people, helped with household chores, and provided meat.

Few people know that horses perform an essential function for human health. They serve as donors, and their blood makes serum against many diseases. Horses are animals characterized by strength and intelligence. It is challenging to meet a person who would be indifferent to them. A lot has been written and said about horses. Let’s discuss everything about horses: the biological features and the nuances of care and maintenance in more detail.


Biological features of horses

The domesticated horse is a member of the ungulate family. Its ancestor is most likely the wild tarpan horse. These wild horses could not be domesticated, as they did not tolerate captivity well. Humans exterminated tarpans in the last century. The family of ungulate horses got its name because of the odd number of toes and the peculiar structure of the hoof. In horses, the middle toe developed during evolution, which was covered with keratinized plate and later became the hoof. The other toes atrophied.


The digestive apparatus in the horse consists of the esophagus, the stomach, which consists of one section, and the large intestine. Unlike cows that regurgitate their food, the horse’s digestive process occurs in the stomach. This is why it is important not to overfeed a horse, as they can develop intestinal problems. Feeding horses should be done more often but in small portions.

Horses have powerful teeth that can chew hard grain feed. The horse’s diet should be consistent. You can read more about horse nutrition in this section below.

Horses’ hearts and lungs are very well developed. Their average body temperature is 37-38 C.

Horses have a life expectancy of approximately 20 years.


Horses have a well-developed nervous system, so the reflexes they develop are retained in memory throughout their lives. This is why horses are so easy to learn various tricks. These animals have an excellent memory. It is not for nothing that they say: “Wherever a horse is, it will always find its way home.”

Due to their unique positioning, the horse’s eyes allow it to see almost everything around it.

Hearing in horses is much more developed than sight. They pick up sounds that the human ear cannot perceive.

Horses can heal themselves. For example, they rub or crush bruised areas on various surfaces with their lips.


Horses are caring parents. They carefully protect their foals in case of danger and protect them from the weather.

Types of horses

There are now more than 200 species of horses that man has bred. About 60 breeds are bred in Russia. These animals have always been man’s most loyal friends. And the matter here is not only in working qualities but also in aesthetic qualities. Many believe that a lovely horse is the best that nature has created. The Arabian horse, the oldest breed, is considered the standard. Representatives of this species participated in the formation of many other breeds.


Why are they considered the best horses? Representatives of this breed are characterized by remarkable intelligence, friendliness, colossal endurance, and excellent memory. Reading about the existing breeds in more detail and seeing photos of horses can be found in this section below.

Horseback riding

Hippotherapy is a term that appeared in the 20th century. Horseback riding has an undeniable beneficial effect on the human body. Sitting in the saddle positively affects a person’s digestive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Modern scientists have also noticed that horseback riding is an excellent cure for stress.


Horseback riding, among other things, not only increases the general tone of the body but also has a therapeutic effect. It is used in the treatment of spinal problems, depression, neuroses, gastrointestinal problems, and the adaptation of Down syndrome patients.

Learning to ride starts with developing the correct fit and the ability to maintain contact with the horse and influence its behavior correctly. A good rider will learn to feel the horse, have easy contact, and stay in the saddle quickly.


For those who have decided to connect their lives with horses professionally, equestrian sport is considered the most noble and ancient. There is hardly a person who will be indifferent to the sight of running horses. You can read more about the types of horse racing in this section below.

There is a lot to say about horses. Their qualities, such as intelligence, beauty, and loyalty, have made them invaluable helpers to man.

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