Interesting Facts

10 Smartest Parrots

Parrots are some of the most popular pets. They are colorful, cute, erratic, and funny. They can also talk and perform various tricks. Very often, the bird becomes attached to the owner in a dog-like way and may even be jealous of the people around him or other pets.

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The intellectual abilities of parrots vary quite a bit. After all, it is not just a matter of the bird repeating human speech but also being able to apply it, as they call it, “in the topic”.

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Over many years of observation, experts have compiled a list of the smartest parrots, and we will tell you which breeds are suitable for home. If you choose one of these feathered beauties, you can rest assured that you will get an outstanding intellectual who will delight you with his funny behavior.


Lorikeets are parrots with strikingly bright, contrasting plumage. Their difference from their brethren is… language. In nature, lories eat soft food, and their tongue is similar to a brush, as if scooping out food. Therefore, they do not need a powerful beak, which is quite fragile.

Попугай лори

Lorikeet is one of those parrots that do not need to be tamed. Ideally, he begins to get along with people and other birds. As for intellectual abilities, lorikeets can quickly learn to speak in whole sentences.

Попугай лори фото

Not only that, but they can also fetch various objects for their master. Just like dogs!

Широкохвостый лори фото

But the lory has its disadvantages. First, the bird has a rather specific voice. Loud and sharp sounds can withstand not every person. Second, since these parrots consume a lot of soft and liquid food, they have a fast metabolism and drop liquid consistency. And this can be a real problem.

Красный лори фото

If you are not frightened by such difficulties, you can safely get a lorikeet and have one of the friendliest parrots!

Video: lorikeet


This parrot got its name because of its loyalty to its partner. Legend has it that birds living in the wild create a pair for life and if one of them dies, the second one will eventually leave this world as well. However, this is not true at all!

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If you want your separate talk, you need to get one parrot. And it is desirable that the bird was born already in captivity – so it is easier to adapt to life without a couple. But so nature is nowhere to go, it is from you parrot will demand communication, which he could share with his soulmate..

Попугаи-неразлучники фото

If you plan to keep a family, it is desirable to buy a male and establish friendship with him first. And then put a female to him. In parrots, matriarchy is rampant, and if you put a male to a lady, she may even kill him. And so in an unfamiliar environment madam will be shy and adaptation will be easy.

Пара попугаев-неразлучников фото

Hummingbirds have a rather unusual character. They will not yell for no reason, but if they open their beaks, they can be heard even in the street. And at the same time, they will try everything they can reach for a tooth. And if the nerazluchnik gets along with his other half, it may not work with others: sometimes parrots are very aggressive to surrounding birds and animals.

Неразлучники фото

The lovebird is a very special bird. It is quite intelligent and if it strives somewhere, it means that there is a reason for it. And if you notice that some part of the apartment parrot as honey is smeared, find out what so attracted your hooligan. And if you value some thing, it is better to remove it from sight.

Video: lovebirds


The monk parrot (aka quaker or calita) is a very hardy bird that shows resistance to temperature extremes. Parrots perfectly adapted to urban conditions and now they can be called something like a pigeon for South America and even North America.

Попугай монах фото

The parrot is called a monk because of the plumage on its head. It is gray in color and really resembles a monk’s cap.

Попугай квакер фото

The quaker’s favorite treat is apples. And in some countries, the calyx is considered a real pest.

Попугай калита фото

Thanks to their temperature tolerance, Quakers are also perfectly adapted in the southern regions of our country. There they are even kept outdoors in aviaries, allowing the parrots to live as if in a natural environment.

Фото квакеров

At home, the Quaker is an excellent companion that can be taught a large number of words. In addition, the bird likes to imitate sounds. Therefore, if you began to often hear familiar sounds, do not doubt that it is the calita doing its tricks.

Попугаи квакеры фото

The Monk is a fairly intelligent parrot. It can recognize family members by name and address the chosen person directly. However, they can be quite fiercely protective of their property. And if you have other parrot breeds,it’s best to keep them separate.

Калита фото

Quakers have a rather unpleasant voice. It is shrill, which is not very fond of some people. But if you are not inconvenienced by the screams of a parrot – safely get this bird! And to minimize the natural bird talk of the kalita you will help you to teach him to talk.

Video: monk parrot


Rosella is one of the quietest parrots. They don’t shout like monks, but they can sing beautifully. And they also have a very bright coloring. It seems that all the colors of the rainbow have come together in a rosella!

Розелла фото

With a person rosella quickly finds a common language. It is contactable and calm. But there are bound to be problems with fellow parrots. Smaller bird parrot can simply score, and in relation to the large begins jealousy and rosella brings itself to exhaustion, simultaneously spoiling the things of man.

Розелла попугай фото

Rosella is better at singing than talking. There are cases when the bird can be taught to pronounce individual words, but this is very rare.

Пенантовая розелла фото

Rosella, as a rule, alien to the fuss, which is characterized by all parrots. The bird usually does not climb anywhere, chews what the owner offers it, does not arrange hysterics. This is an ideal parrot for home keeping!

Video: rosella


Corella (nymph) is a very entertaining and social parrot, which in nature lives in flocks of up to 50 individuals. In captivity, the bird is very attached to the owner and follows him everywhere, showing his state of mind by the location of the crest. They are kept in cages in pairs or alone.

Корелла фото

Nymphs do not like loneliness and if the bird is bored, it shows its anxious state with sharp cries.

Попугай корелла фото

The Corella is characterized by a remarkable intellectual ability. A parrot can learn several hundred words and it is said that their mind corresponds to the intelligence of a 3-year-old child.

Нимфа корелла фото

The Corella parrot is an adorable bird. It loves to have its cheeks and neck scratched, and squints its eyes blissfully when it feels good from human touch;

Корелла лютино фото

Unity with the owner can reach such a stage that the nymph becomes afraid of representatives of its own species, other animals and even just household items. Therefore, if you do not have enough time for your pet, it is better to buy him a pair right away.

Video: Corella

Lapwing parrot

This is a well-known species of parrot, nevertheless, there is no doubt about its intellectual abilities. Wave parrotcan be both kind and friendly, and aggressive and wild..

Волнистые попугайчики фото

To understand what type of wavy bird you have in front of you, take a close look at it. If the bird looks at you, if it is contactable even in a cage, then it is probably a good specimen to start getting to know.

Волнистый попугай фото

You can keep a Lapwing with other members of the species. They are not aggressive towards each other.

Окрасы волнистых попугаев фото

The wavy is one of the most talkative parrots. It can imitate various sounds, learn many words;

Желтый волнистый попугай фото

For a parrot to be sociable, it needs a lot of training. But even in this case, the bird’s behavior can change dramatically. There can be many reasons: from natural temperament to various diseases.

Розовый волнистый попугай фото

Either way, it’s a very interesting bird

Video: wavy parrots


Not only that ara is one of the most beautiful and large parrots, it is also one of the most intelligent birds in the world. They become easily attached to humans, genuinely care for them and are even jealous..

Фото ар

Having learned words, the Ara uses them with remarkable logic in communication with humans, accurately conveying the meaning of what it wants to say. The parrot can easily ask its owner for food or drink.

Ара фото

Ara have a great memory, so they should never be offended, if you do not want to get a “response” at the most inopportune moment. The bird can bite very painfully, and with such a huge beak it will always have consequences.

Попугай ара фото

Unlike other parrot species, humans become especially attached to the Ara and they often become firm friends.

Гиацинтовый ара фото

The only disadvantage is that the parrot needs a lot of space for home keeping. And he will not refuse to fly. Therefore, it is better to get an Ara only if you have a suitable area.

Video: ara


The cockatoojust like the Corellas, there is a crest, which, like a book, you can read what is currently happening with the parrot. And it is quite a wayward bird, to tame which may be not everyone can do.

Какаду фото

The cockatoo is not a stable psyche, and its mood swings due to its large size and strong beak can cause a lot of trouble for the owner. The owner in the form of mangled fingers, and the neighbors – in the form of shrieking.

Попугай какаду фото

But here is not that panacea, but quite a real way to precipitate the bird. When the parrot changes behavior, it is better to either leave him alone or put him in a cage. And at the same time, the owner should pay a lot of attention to the cockatoo, otherwise he may start pulling out his feathers from stress.

Птица какаду фото

The cockatoo is a very agile bird. It is always exploring something, chewing on something and sticking its curious beak everywhere. And because of its nature, it needs a real intellectual workload.

Черный какаду фото

This bird is not for everyone. But if you are ready to give a lot of effort and time to raising this restless and sometimes uncooperative child, what can stop you?

Video: cockatoos


Amazons are not uncommon guests in our area. Due to the beautiful plumage, size and intelligence, they willingly breed in families. Amazon can learn a lot of words and even phrases, he quickly gets used to the owner and in general tends to be in the company of people.

Амазон фото

Although the amazon feels perfectly well that his owner loves him, he can become cocky. This manifests itself in unrestrained screaming when left alone. Mood swings are also a characteristic of the amazon.

Попугай амазон фото

The parrot is perfectly trainable. It is second only to the Jaco in intelligence. Amazon very quickly begins to talk and can imitate various sounds, as well as play melodies. They can be taught simple tricks.

Video: amazon parrot


The Jaco is rightly considered the most intelligent parrot in the world. Although outwardly this bird is inferior to some species, its intellectual abilities are at a high level. And, since the bird has enough brains, its character is sometimes complexй.

Жако фото

In order to get an adequate pet, it is necessary to take a chick born in captivity. If a Jaco has changed several owners, it is quite possible that in each house he received his portion of negativity and it will be difficult to get along with such a bird.

Попугай жако фото

It is undesirable to allow any changes in the house for the tame jacos, because they can provoke inappropriate behavior. It is better to introduce the jacos to other pets from a young age.

Серый жако фото

There is an opinion that the Jaco chooses people of the opposite sex as favorites. And there is some truth in it, because the bird perceives a person as a partner.

Жако в полете

The Jaco is a bird that can learn a record number of words and sentences. Even if the parrot is not practiced, it will still have an effect. But if you want your friend to speak quickly, give him a little time every day and teach him different words.

Video: Jaco

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