Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts About Parrots: Everything You Didn’t Know

Parrots can rightfully be called the most amazing creatures tamed by people. We bring exciting facts about parrots that cannot be ignored.

  • The most common types of domestic birds are cockatiels and budgies.
  • The smallest species of parrots are woodpeckers, representatives of their genus. They weigh 11 grams. Body length is 9 centimeters.
  • The record holder included in the Guinness Book of Records was a feathered pet that knew more than four hundred words in different languages.

Interesting about parrots

  • Parrots are the world’s longest-lived birds; some live for hundreds of years!
  • In the wild, there is a species of kea parrots – they are predators. Birds feed on small mice, worms, and sometimes carrion.

  • Among birds, there can be left-handers and right-handers. You can determine this by watching your pet, for example, which paw it takes the treat with.
  • Parrots do not have vocal cords. They imitate sounds with their mouths.
  • In 2011, scientists revealed that birds of paradise have an innate sense of rhythm.
  • One-third of all parrot breeds are on the verge of extinction and must be listed in the Red Book. A bird living in America suddenly saw criminals committing a robbery and was able to name their names!
  • Lovebirds can remain faithful to each other all their lives.
  • Indian parrots were the first birds to arrive in Europe.
  • The Indians often used cockatiels and other parrots as guards because they informed their owners about the intrusion into the territory of monsters. Scientifically proven facts support this information.
  • Want to know how cockatiels see? Then, they know that their vision is better than human vision. They distinguish more colors and can recognize up to one hundred and fifty images per second. The human brain can recognize only sixteen.
  • Parrots have acute hearing and turn their heads one hundred and eighty degrees.
  • Birds sleep ten to twelve hours a day.

Interesting fact about birds

  • Indian police officers detained a talking bird that used offensive language towards a woman. As a result, it turned out that the pet was taught swear words by her son, to whom the woman was a stepmother.
  • Two American parrots who can speak escaped the fire by calling people for help and shouting “Help.”
  • Biologists from Oxford were able to establish that birds are excellent burglars. When opening locks, they show unique tactics, which speaks of their remarkable intelligence.

Interesting pink cockatoos

Interesting facts about large parrots

  • The most enormous beak, which is ten centimeters long, has a cockatoo with black plumage.
  • The Indians prefer to decorate their arrows with bright macaw feathers.
  • Handsome cockatoo parrots with yellow cheeks are monogamous. They find a female and a male once and remain with him for the rest of their lives. And even after years, love does not pass.
  • Hindus consider colorful birds sacred because they can talk like humans.
  • Not every parrot can fly. The owl species, or Kakapo, living in New Zealand, has lost its flying skills, but it is an excellent climber and can easily climb a tall tree.
  • An interesting fact about the macaw parrot is that they can grow up to one meter in length. These are giant birds, but few could imagine something so significant!
  • The species name “loris” means “clown” in Dutch. Why is this so? The birds received this “nickname” thanks to their bright feathers.
  • Cockatoos and other representatives of the parrot breed give their chicks names. They all consist of different sounds made when birds chirp. These are scientifically proven facts, so there is no need to doubt them.
  • the giant birds can fly about five hundred miles daily to find food.

Amazon and interesting things about it

Interesting facts about budgies

  • To teach your budgerigar to speak, send him to a school created for birds in Australia. Do you think this is fiction? These are confirmed facts.
  • This is what these unique and popular “birds of paradise” are like.
  • Do you wonder if budgerigars can see in the dark? No, they have virtually no night vision.
  • The heart of the wavy bird has a beating frequency of two hundred beats per minute.
  • One newborn wavy chick weighs two grams!
  • The body temperature of the wavy is 41 degrees.
  • There are much more wavy birds kept at home than in the wild.
  • For an ordinary bird to become a talking parrot, a child or woman must work with them, as they have a high voice timbre.
  • In the wild, budgerigars live in flocks and breed all year round.
  • An adult wavy weighs from 25 to 35 grams. He lives from thirteen to fifteen years. There have been cases when a pet lived up to twenty years.


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