Category: Fishes
Aquarium fish at home. All about small “silent” pets
Many apartments, offices and houses have an aquarium. However, for some people – it is just a big “glass” box in which fish live. And for real connoisseurs of aquariumistics – it is a whole world that attracts admiring glances. A lot is known about fish, but only a few of those people who keep aquarium fish, study this information.
On our site, real aquarists and those who decided to join them, learn a lot of new things about fish, aquarium equipment and care. The articles are written by professionals and contain a lot of interesting and useful information.
Looking at the floating fish in the aquarium, all thoughts fade into the background and bliss sets in. Would you like to experience it? Check out the information on our website and start installing your aquarium.

Aquarium snails: species, reproduction and feeding

Types of ornamental fish that can be kept in a home aquarium