Aquarium plants

What kind of plants should be in the aquarium?

There is a question about the need for live plants for aquariums since no alternative inventions are available. However, living plants serve as an indicator of the aquarium’s condition and function as its lungs. Artificial plants cannot perform these functions.

When exposed to light, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They are also food and home for many species of fish.

plants for aquarium

Beginning aquarists often think that live aquarium plants will cause them too much trouble. However, they do not. Plants require proper soil selection (about 5 cm thick), lighting, fertilizing, and periodic pruning of yellow leaves and branches (no more than once a month).

Plants should be planted to occupy a third (or slightly more) of the aquarium area.

It would be best not to take plants from the pond, as they can cause illness or death in the aquarium inhabitants. It is best to purchase plants from pet stores, giving preference to young and green specimens.


Plants for Aquarium Suitable for Beginners

The list of unpretentious plants is extensive. The most popular among beginners are the following:

    – duckweed
    – elodea
    – Vallisneria
    – hornwort
    – Java moss
Java moss
Java moss

Next, you can look at photos of plants in the aquarium and study some species and their names.

All inhabitants love duckweed. It proliferates and tends to cover the entire water surface, reducing the amount of light in the aquarium, so it must be thinned out periodically.

Elodea has beautiful, curly leaves. It can survive in any condition, and fry love to huddle in it.

Vallisneria has long leaves that are vibrant and dark green in good light. The plant can survive at any temperature.


Hornwort looks like spruce. It proliferates. It also makes an excellent home for small aquarium inhabitants.

Java moss is named because it resembles a land plant — shrimp love to live in it.

Any living organisms, including plants, can get sick. To prevent this, it is necessary to promptly change the water, clean the aquarium, and apply fertilizer.

Aquarium connoisseurs, having spent a lot of time studying photos with the names of plants for the aquarium and their characteristics in detail, achieve such balance in the aquarium that they no longer need to use filters.

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