Treatment and Care

Cat Behavior Problems and Their Solutions

Main Problems in Cat Behavior and Ways to Solve Them

Cat Behavior Problems

A cat is not just a warm, purring little ball curled on its owner’s lap. The content of mustachioed friends is associated not only with positive aspects. As a rule, their owners face the same problems, but not everyone finds the right solutions. An animal always in the apartment tries to realize its instincts in various ways, which, for many owners, ends in unpleasant surprises. Therefore, the task of a caring owner is to solve problems peacefully without hurting the pride of the proud pet.

What causes behavioral problems in cats?

What causes behavioral problems in cats?

There comes a time in every pet’s life when it turns from a kind and friendly “purr” into an aggressive little devil. Peaceful lying on the feet of a beloved owner can give way to mayhem after unrestrained running around the apartment, malicious damage to shoes, ignoring the toilet, and tearing off curtain rods. A tailed pet’s inappropriate behavior and character manifestation are usually associated with dissatisfaction with certain life factors.

Most cat behavior problems are explained by the animal’s inability to realize its maternal (paternal), hunting, or other instincts. In these cases, it makes no sense to punish the furry prankster. We need imagination, resourcefulness, and patience to distract a kitty from committing dirty tricks and make her do what we want. It is also essential for the owner to know how to respond to certain behaviors.

Common behavioral problems in cats and ways to solve them:

1. Cats are spoiled. The owners themselves pamper the animal and then suffer from it. The pet eats only certain foods, which the owners often cannot afford. The pet can fall all over the bed, so the owner has to crowd onto the edge. And if God forbid, he starts tossing and turning, the pampered beast will immediately show his displeasure. The owner of such a cat will always feel like his servant.

Cats are spoiled


If such a problem arises in the cat’s behavior, you must get rid of pity for the pet first. If you need to switch your pet to a new diet, do not pay attention, even if he refuses to eat. The main thing is to act consistently, prohibiting one action today and not allowing it tomorrow.

2. The cat howls at night. Nightly cat concerts can drive anyone crazy, and they can happen at any time of the night. Usually, a cat howls in a room without one, but this does not make it any easier. This may mean the animal is lonely or the pet is sick.

The cat howls at night


First of all, could you take the animal to the veterinarian? Perhaps the cat is just in mating season and needs to be given a pill. If he’s just lonely, show more concern. So much more that he dreams at night and doesn’t drive you crazy.

3. Cats damage furniture and things. Here, the possibilities of an untrained animal are not limited. A cat can turn over a flower pot, bite the stems, gnaw wires, or break a floor lamp. Even claw snags on things cause a lot of inconvenience.

Cat damaging furniture and things


The cat must understand what is “good” and what is “bad.” It’s better if he gets used to the word “no” while still a kitten. Moreover, not even to the word, but to the strict intonation with which it is pronounced. It is essential to provide your kitten with a few things that you will reward him for playing with (for example, a scratching post, a ball, or a soft toy). If the cat tries to do something that should not be done (for example, jumping on the table), you stop him with a stern intonation.

4. Untidy cat. A cat’s untidiness includes any behavior that violates the owner’s usual order. For example, a pet may scatter the owner’s personal belongings or cat litter around the apartment, shit anywhere, or mark slippers.

Cat untidiness


The cat’s litter box should always be kept clean. The filler, tray, and place of placement should suit the cat. It would be best not to punish a graceful pet for being untidy. This will only make the problem worse. A furry friend can ignore the toilet installed by the owner if he is offended, angry, or sick. First, you should pay attention to the cat’s health status. Perhaps she needs specialist help. If you upset her somehow, try to make amends with delicious food or affection. Please find out the reason for the cat’s sloppiness and gradually wean him away from it. If your pet poops in the same place every time, it may be worth moving the litter tray there. If not, please treat the area with regular vinegar.

5. Inappropriate cat behavior. An aggressive pet can bite and scratch even when the owner pets it. This problem usually goes back to childhood. The behavior of an adult cat in the future is simply a set of stereotypes. Therefore, starting friends with him while still a kitten is better.

Inappropriate cat behavior


As a rule, a cat’s aggression is associated with his fears. An even more incredible feeling of fear arises after physical punishment. Realizing that the owner is about to punish, the domestic animal becomes rabid and uncontrollable. The more care, warmth, and affection, the better the cat will behave. And if an outbreak of aggression appears between two cats, a spray bottle will help moderate the ardor.

With proper attention, cat behavior problems can be quickly resolved. Give the furry mischief a little time – and he will become an obedient purr again!

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