Category: Cats
Cats, kittens and cats in the house – the section about our pets!
More than six thousand years ago, man domesticated the first wild cat. Since then, these cute and fluffy animals have been a favorite in many families. A funny pet is not just a delight and joy for every member of the family, cats and cats are the best “antidepressant” and home “healer”. About cats are known a lot, but to this day, tail Murky remain a mystery and mystery.
Cats are very proud and freedom-loving, but at the same time, they are affectionate and grateful creatures. Despite their wayward character, furry animals can not live without humans, and humans – without them.
Many people agree that a cat or a cat in the house, brings a lot of positive moments and boundless joy. On our site, collected detailed information about cats, there are excellent descriptions of each breed, describes the features of animal housing, and there are many other useful articles that will interest both beginners and avid cat owners. The site is regularly updated, so visit often and learn a lot of useful and interesting things about your favorite pets.

Feeding Kittens: How, What, How Much and How Often?

Cat Behavior Problems and Their Solutions

How to Feed a Small Kitten

Cat Food Types: Economy, Premium and First-Class

Can Kittens and Adult Cats Drink Cow Milk?

How to Trim a Cat’s Claws at Home

How to Wash a Cat Scared of Water

Car Care: Basic Advice