Interesting Facts

Cat Breeds and Body Types

Men and cats have been walking hand in hand for many thousands of years. Archaeologists have found figurines of cats that are 9,500 years old. For a long time, selection occurred independently; cat breeds replaced one after another. Meanwhile, humans used cats themselves mainly to hunt rodents.

cat breeds

Over time, human intervention has led to hybridization on almost every continent, with different natural cat breeds emerging for each geographic area. Some types of cats are variations of a specific breed; for example, the Balinese cat is a variation of the Siamese breed.

Five different types of cats with examples of breeds

  • Eastern (Oriental) type: slender body, long and triangular head shape, almond-shaped eyes, large ears, long nose, long tail, long legs. Examples of this type of cat are American Shorthair, Siamese cat, and Balinese cat.
Balinese cat breed
  • Foreign (Foreign). It is not a typical type for UK cats. The body is less slender than the eastern type, but the figure is quite athletic. The cat has a long tail, long legs, large ears, and almond-shaped eyes. An example of a cat breed of this type with a photo can be seen below: Turkish Angora, Abyssinian cat, Russian Blue, Somalia.
Turkish Angora
Turkish Angora
  • Semi-foreign: less slender build or even more comprehensive than the foreign type. Examples of this type of cat are Devon Rex, Egyptian Mau, Havana Brown, Munchkin, and Sphynx.
  • Semi-Cobby: streamlined body with a round, broad head and short legs. Examples of this type of cat are British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, and Singaporean.
  • Cobby: short, muscular, compact with round eyes and head. This species has small ears, a short nose, and a short tail. This cat type includes Persian, Manx, Himalayan, Exotic Shorthair, and Burmese.

Cats have long been a mystery to us. However, they have taken their honorable positions in the human world: they decorate our homes and bring us countless hours of joy, warmth, and comfort.


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