Health Issues

Cat Diseases: Common Signs and Symptoms

If an animal is sick and requires medical attention and your support, do not panic! In this section, we share tips on the main symptoms of ailments and how to determine cat diseases’ most important health indicators.

Although it is best to take your pet to a veterinarian for a professional diagnosis, there are simple steps you can take to monitor your pet’s vitality.

cat disease

How to Monitor Your Cat’s General Health? Roughly speaking, five aspects of your cat’s physical condition need to be monitored that may indicate that your cat is sick:

  1. Weight

Unhealthy body weight or any deviation in one of the points may indicate a cat illness. If the cat’s ribs are visible, the animal is malnourished, and its diet needs to be enriched. The optimal weight of a cat can be approximately determined by its figure: the cat’s body should resemble an hourglass in shape, and the ribs should be palpable with your hands but not prominent.

It is overweight if the animal’s waist is covered in fat and the ribs cannot be felt. In this case, the pet needs physical activity and limiting calorie intake.

cat diseases

2. Digestion

Although it may not be the most pleasant experience, you must pay attention to the chair. Small, solid waste is an indicator of normal digestion. Abnormal bowel movements may indicate a lack of nutritional intake, which can lead to anemia.

cat diseases

3. Condition of coat and skin

At any time of the year, the animal’s fur should be soft, elastic, well-groomed, without stains or odor. Elastic skin without dandruff is also an indicator of good health.

4. Condition of teeth and gums

Dental care for an animal is one of the most important aspects because weakened gums and teeth will lead to the fact that your cat will not be able to eat properly and, as a result, will not receive nutrients. Please look over your cat’s dental cavity: swollen gums, signs of plaque accumulation, or caries are reasons to see a veterinarian.

prevention of cat diseases

5. Condition of bones and joints

Calcium, phosphorus, and protein are essential for strong bones and joints. If your cat is limited in movement, has poor posture, or has a decreased interest in playing, this may indicate joint or bone problems. The presence of vitamins in the diet is essential to preventing almost every second cat disease.


Typically, cats perceive human attention, so if you notice sudden personality changes, you should look closer at the external signs of the animal’s health.

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